Knob and Tube Removal
Was your home built between 1890 and 1930? If so, its electrical system probably involves knob and tube wiring. While this type of wiring was adequate for the lighting and electrical circuits in homes of its time, it generally isn’t appropriate for the kind of appliances and high-current devices we rely on today. Furthermore, it poses fire hazards that can make it difficult to acquire homeowner’s insurance.
Safely replacing knob and tube wiring requires specialized skill and experience. That’s where our expert technicians come in. At Jack's Electric Co. in Stratford, ON, we replace outdated knob and tube wiring with the safe, reliable electrical system you and your home deserve. Replacing your knob and tube wiring will improve your home’s safety and insurability while giving you peace of mind.
If your home’s electrical system includes old, outdated wiring, you’re due for an upgrade. Contact Jack's Electric Co. in Stratford, ON today for further information.
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pmWeekends: By appointment
390 Douro St #6 Stratford N5A 3S7 CA